1. | Front Matter
Pages I - VII
2. | Evaluation of Cognitive Disorders in Huntington’s Disease and Their Relationship with Motor Symptoms and Trinucleotide Repeat Expansion Esma Kobak Tur, Kadriye Güleda Keskin, Ceren Erkalaycı, Eren Gözke doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.49389 Pages 203 - 208
3. | Investigation of the Relationship Between Foot Pain, Functionality, and Kinesiophobia in Patients with Calcaneal Spurs Filiz Yıldız Aydın, Işıl Üstün doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.43660 Pages 209 - 215
4. | Evaluation of Serum Lipid Levels in Patients with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury Arzu Atıcı doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.92300 Pages 216 - 222
5. | Prediagnostic Clinical Evaluations and Double Contrast Computed Tomography in Suspected Acute Appendicitis Yılmaz Aydın, Ahmet Doğan Kuday, Verda Tunaligil, Derya Abuşka, Mustafa Yazıcıoğlu, Doğaç Niyazi Özüçelik doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.72621 Pages 223 - 230
6. | Do You Need More Blood Product or No! Use of Blood and Blood Products During COVID-19 Pandemic Ayşe Bozkurt Turhan, Sacit İçten, Ali Turhan, Selma Dağcı doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.14632 Pages 231 - 236
7. | Prognostic Significance of PD-L1 Expression in Stage 4 Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Pelin Korkmaz, Şeyma Özden, Murat Kıyık doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.24572 Pages 237 - 241
8. | Is Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Necessary in Patients with Ductal Carcinoma in situ of the Breast? Hakan Baysal, Mert Gacemer, Begümhan Baysal, Mehmet Sait Özsoy, Fatih Büyüker, Ibrahim Ali Özemir, Abdullah Aydın, Orhan Alimoğlu doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.88700 Pages 242 - 252
9. | Perception of Male Nurse in Turkish society: The Case of Istanbul Province Selma Dağcı, Ayşegül Beyazpınar Kavaklıoğlu, Volkan Kızılay, Serkan Elarslan, Latife Nadire Demirci, Yaşar Sertbaş, Kamil Özdil doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.33255 Pages 253 - 262
10. | Treatment Adherence in Multiple Sclerosis: The Effect of Drug Administration Methods and Neuropsychiatric Comorbidities Sena Destan Bunul doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.43265 Pages 263 - 269
11. | The Effect of Coronavirus Disease 2019 on Retinal Thickness: A Prospective Study COVID-19 and Retina Okşan Alpoğan, Esra Türkseven Kumral, Serhat Imamoğlu, Nimet Yeşim Erçalık, Nursal Melda Yenerel, Mehmet Serhat Mangan, Cemile Anıl Aslan doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.49344 Pages 270 - 276
12. | A Difficult Complication of Ankylosing Spondylitis: Thoracic Vertebral Fracture-Induced Paraplegia Selda Çiftçi, Latif Tosun, Banu Kuran doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.54254 Pages 277 - 280
13. | Safety Surgery Control List in International Patient Safety Targets Zeliha Berke Aktar, Onur Yarar doi: 10.14744/bmj.2023.38257 Pages 281 - 285